I cant believe it is 2009! It just seems like yesturday that I was in school writting 1998 on all my papers and was wondering what living in the year 2000 would be like. Well the year 2000 has come and gone. Now we are in 2009. In eleven years, Ive been married for five, gave birth to our two beautiful children and we some how managed to buy our first house. How time flies. And sometimes, you dont even have to be having fun. You just have to be living.
This past year proved to be roller coster ride for my family. Kendra turned 4 and thinks she owns the world (we dont have the heart to tell her any different). We celebrated Logan's 1st birthday (which was one that was spent with him throwing up on me and everything around us). Shortly after, my sister ran away from home and dropped out of school. My dad and I fell out of touch. Again. Matthew and Ashley filed for divorce. Phillip and Jennifer are pregnant with baby combo number two. I went back to school and Aaron's sales route was destroyed by Hurricane Dolly.
Overall, I fill more blessed than ever before. I feel GOD has been moving thru me in ways I couldnt imagine until now. He has blessed us with a daughter that makes me want to be a better wife and mother and woman. She encouarges me and gives me strength. She never fails at being "Mommy's" cheerleader. GOD blessed us with Logan when we gave up hope of having any more children. Logan is my little cuddle bug. He always wants to be with me and love on me. He is always there when I need a little pick me up. He is my little man. Then there is my husband Aaron. I cant say enough about this man that rescued my from myself and turned me into the wife and mother I am today. He always believes in me and never lets me settle for less than the best. He loves my faults and my strengths. He loves me when Im as big as a whale carrying his child and when Im running my fat butt off trying to be that hot sexy wife I think he wants when in all honesty, he loves me for me.
Would I like to have more money, weight less, and be more organized? Well yeah! Duh!! But GOD thinks Im better off with what he has already given me. If it is good enough for him, then it is more than good enough for me.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Welcome to the year 2009!!
Posted by Stacey at 7:13 PM
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