Logan started his first day of day care yesturday. I think it was more scary for me than him. Although, he didnt take to it too well at first, after breakfast he did great. I guess it's true. The way to a man's heart is thru his tummy. My little Logan is getting so big. Today, Aaron was dropping off the kids. Kendra went in with Logan while Aaron was signing him in. Aaron said that Kendra was calming Logan down and playing with him and trying to get him to play with the other kids so Logan wouldnt be scared when they left. When it was time to go Aaron called for Kendra. Apparently, Logan started yelling "Daddy! Daddy!", but Aaron never heard him "crying". When Kendra walked out of the room Aaron asked her if Logan's was crying tears. Kendra simply replied, "no. he was just calling for you. but I told him that mommy would be back to pick him up and he had nothing to worry about. now go play and have fun today brother." My sweet babies are growing up so fast. They remind my everyday that life is so short. And its too short to worry about the small things. I asked Kendra to hold my travel mug of HOT coffee this morning on our way out the door. In doing so she dropped and the coffee seemed to cover every inch of our living room floor. I was so mad!!!! I yelled, "GO outside!" I threw a towel over the coffee and ran out the door. She was climbing into the car. As I was walking by the car, I just glared at her. I got into our other car and was getting ready to pull out. She came running to my door. Kendra said," I was trying to help you mommy. Im sorry." That broke my hear. I was abut to leave for the morning withour saying good bye to her or giving her a hug. And for what? A little spilled coffee? How terrible I am. I got out of the car and looked at her tear filled eyes and told her I was sorry for being so mean to her and that I loved her very much. "It was just coffee", I told her. She smiled and wiped away the tears. I felt better and she knew that I loved her. Life is too short to be angry over a little spilled coffee.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
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