My best friend called me last night. It was actually really funny that she called when she did because Aaron and I were talking about how I must have done something wrong to make her mad at me. See, when I started school last semester, I kinda dropped off the face of the Earth (more than I had already done). We told each other that we would watch Grey's Anatomy together (she being in Houston and me being in the valley) over the phone. I watched a couple of episodes and everything was going great until I started having to go to my Math lab. Well, that meant by the time I finished class and got home (home, is a 30 min drive) Grey's would be half way over. Then Aaron would have a softball game and I would go just because I needed a break and some fresh air. Eventually, I just stopped watching Grey's. That lead to me not calling as much. I was feeling overwhelmed with 13 hrs of school, 2 kids and a full time husband. I was really slipping up on everything. Even my friendships. I felt horrible about it but what could I do? Needless to say I hadnt talked to her in awhile and I was starting to wonder if she would ever return any of my phone calls (now I understand what she must have felt).
The new school semester started 2 weeks ago. My mornings pretty much go like this. Wake up at 5:30 am. Shower, get dress, make-up, hair. 6:15-6:30 am wake up kids and feed them. NO later than 6:45 am the kids have to get dressed. No later than 7:15 am we have to be out the door because we have what should be a 20 min drive but turns into 30 because of school zones (I have to go through 3) traffic and dropping 2 different kids off in 2 different places. Then finally getting to class on time by 8am. Yeah, I know what you are thinking. It makes me tired just writting it. So, normally we are in bed by 8:30 pm. Sorry Tyler and Jordan for all the teasing I did.
My best friend called right at 8:59 pm last night. Do you think I was not going to answer? We talked for about 30 mintues. We talked about wieght, the kids, her nephew, and of coarse Grey's Anatomy. And how stupid we thought it was getting until we found out that the writter's are doing off with Izzy's character.
It was great getting to talk to her. Just hearing her voice made me feel at ease. I love her so much and miss her even more. She said she was going to try and get down here sometime in Febuary. I know she loves seeing her nephew. All I can do is pray that GOD sets aside some time for us to see each other and catch up.
My best friend call me last night.
Friday, January 23, 2009
My best friend called me last night
Posted by Stacey at 11:06 AM
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