Houston we have CARROTS!? Yes you read that right. We have carrots growing in our backyard. Too see the excitment on Kendra's face when we pulled one up was Priceless. Kendra has really been into "science experiments" lately. So we thought it would be easier to let her "experiment" outside. We tilled up the ground, planted the seeds and now we are getting to harvest what we sowed. It is awesome. Of coarse this made me think of the kids.
Tonight we were going over Kendra's reading homework. That's right. At 4 yrs old, Kendra has reading homework. The majority of it is site words but still. She is reading 4-5 word sentences. This week's book has been the hardest yet. Cathy Cook. When Kendra would get to the word, cooking, she would mix it up with the words making or baking. I think I know way. I always tell her, "Im making dinner. Im baking cookies." I dont think Ive ever used the word cooking.
The point wasnt that she was saying the words, the point was I was sitting down with my 4 yr old daughter and she was reading to me. Normally I dont have alot of patience. But, oddly I found myself calm and collected listening to her read to me in that sweet angelic voice. I cant believe my little baby is growing up.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Houston, We have CARROTS!?
Posted by Stacey at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Let me count the ways I love you GLENN BECK!!
Glenn Beck: America's March to Socialism
Audio Available:
January 27, 2009 - 12:32 ET
Video from Glenn Beck's new show on the Fox News Channel... Is President Obama's stimulus package socialism in disguise? Watch Glenn Beck weeknights at 5p ET on the Fox News Channel...
VOICE: The Glenn Beck program presents more truth behind America's march to socialism.
GLENN: Are we doing this every day, Stu? Every day, right? Every day we're going to do our march to socialism. I'm just going to bring you up to speed because it's happening every single day we get another step closer to socialism. And let me just start here. Do you remember? This was probably a year ago I said, "They're going to nationalize our finances, they're going to nationalize our energy and they are going to nationalize our industry." I said, "You watch, those three things are coming." And everybody said, "Oh, you're crazy, right-wingers." Do you remember when I called Obama a socialist and all of the media, anybody who called Obama a socialist or a Marxist or had Marxist philosophies, we were crazy. We had to be shut down: "That's crazy. What do you think Obama's going to do if he gets elected? Do you think he's going to start nationalizing businesses?" "Yes." "That's great. You're a paranoid conspiracy freak."
Today from the New York Times, quote: Only five days into the Obama presidency, members of the new administration and Democratic leaders in congress are already dancing around one of the most politically delicate questions about -- delicate? -- about the financial bailout. Is the president prepared to nationalize a huge swath of the nation's banking system?
Really? You're right. I was crazy. I thought it would take at least a week.
"In an interview on Sunday on This Week on ABC, House speaker Nancy Pelosi alluded to an internal debate when she was asked whether nationalization or partial nationalization of the largest banks was a good idea. Her response? Well, whatever you want to call it."
I don't -- excuse me? That -- what? Quoting the New York Times: "Privately, most members of the Obama economic team concede that the rapid deterioration of the country's biggest banks, notably Bank of America and Citigroup, is bound to require far larger investments of taxpayer money atop the more than $300 billion of taxpayer money already poured into these two financial institutions and hundreds of others." And you thought $45 billion of your money was going to be enough for Citigroup. You're so silly. Silly rabbit, Trix are for politicians. But hey, listen, here's the good news. You already own 7.8% of the country -- of the company. So why not go for the whole thing? I mean, do you really want to be a minor shareholder? Let's own the whole damn thing. I mean, at least then we can get them to, you know, pay for all the cool stuff, you know, with your money. By the way, congratulations on your new purchase. I don't know if you know this. You're about to own 7.8% of a brand-new $50 million private jet. That's right. CitiBank ordered a fancy private jet a couple of years ago and instead of, you know, reconsidering it, they're just going to take delivery on it. I can't wait. I think this is great. What do you say? This weekend we go 7.8% of the way to Bahamas? Yeah, socialism!
VOICE: That was even more overwhelming evidence that we are destined to be a bunch of socialist pigs very, very soon. On the Glenn Beck program.
Posted by Stacey at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
My best friend called me last night
My best friend called me last night. It was actually really funny that she called when she did because Aaron and I were talking about how I must have done something wrong to make her mad at me. See, when I started school last semester, I kinda dropped off the face of the Earth (more than I had already done). We told each other that we would watch Grey's Anatomy together (she being in Houston and me being in the valley) over the phone. I watched a couple of episodes and everything was going great until I started having to go to my Math lab. Well, that meant by the time I finished class and got home (home, is a 30 min drive) Grey's would be half way over. Then Aaron would have a softball game and I would go just because I needed a break and some fresh air. Eventually, I just stopped watching Grey's. That lead to me not calling as much. I was feeling overwhelmed with 13 hrs of school, 2 kids and a full time husband. I was really slipping up on everything. Even my friendships. I felt horrible about it but what could I do? Needless to say I hadnt talked to her in awhile and I was starting to wonder if she would ever return any of my phone calls (now I understand what she must have felt).
The new school semester started 2 weeks ago. My mornings pretty much go like this. Wake up at 5:30 am. Shower, get dress, make-up, hair. 6:15-6:30 am wake up kids and feed them. NO later than 6:45 am the kids have to get dressed. No later than 7:15 am we have to be out the door because we have what should be a 20 min drive but turns into 30 because of school zones (I have to go through 3) traffic and dropping 2 different kids off in 2 different places. Then finally getting to class on time by 8am. Yeah, I know what you are thinking. It makes me tired just writting it. So, normally we are in bed by 8:30 pm. Sorry Tyler and Jordan for all the teasing I did.
My best friend called right at 8:59 pm last night. Do you think I was not going to answer? We talked for about 30 mintues. We talked about wieght, the kids, her nephew, and of coarse Grey's Anatomy. And how stupid we thought it was getting until we found out that the writter's are doing off with Izzy's character.
It was great getting to talk to her. Just hearing her voice made me feel at ease. I love her so much and miss her even more. She said she was going to try and get down here sometime in Febuary. I know she loves seeing her nephew. All I can do is pray that GOD sets aside some time for us to see each other and catch up.
My best friend call me last night.
Posted by Stacey at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
LIfe is to short to cry over spilled coffee.
Logan started his first day of day care yesturday. I think it was more scary for me than him. Although, he didnt take to it too well at first, after breakfast he did great. I guess it's true. The way to a man's heart is thru his tummy. My little Logan is getting so big. Today, Aaron was dropping off the kids. Kendra went in with Logan while Aaron was signing him in. Aaron said that Kendra was calming Logan down and playing with him and trying to get him to play with the other kids so Logan wouldnt be scared when they left. When it was time to go Aaron called for Kendra. Apparently, Logan started yelling "Daddy! Daddy!", but Aaron never heard him "crying". When Kendra walked out of the room Aaron asked her if Logan's was crying tears. Kendra simply replied, "no. he was just calling for you. but I told him that mommy would be back to pick him up and he had nothing to worry about. now go play and have fun today brother." My sweet babies are growing up so fast. They remind my everyday that life is so short. And its too short to worry about the small things. I asked Kendra to hold my travel mug of HOT coffee this morning on our way out the door. In doing so she dropped and the coffee seemed to cover every inch of our living room floor. I was so mad!!!! I yelled, "GO outside!" I threw a towel over the coffee and ran out the door. She was climbing into the car. As I was walking by the car, I just glared at her. I got into our other car and was getting ready to pull out. She came running to my door. Kendra said," I was trying to help you mommy. Im sorry." That broke my hear. I was abut to leave for the morning withour saying good bye to her or giving her a hug. And for what? A little spilled coffee? How terrible I am. I got out of the car and looked at her tear filled eyes and told her I was sorry for being so mean to her and that I loved her very much. "It was just coffee", I told her. She smiled and wiped away the tears. I felt better and she knew that I loved her. Life is too short to be angry over a little spilled coffee.
Posted by Stacey at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Loving Well
Okay....I cant help but think...maybe I was....possibly....a little too harsh in my last entry. I dont think so, but Aaron read it and said I was being mean. Well, after going to a ladies retreat, maybe I was. I attended a ladies retreat at the same church where Kendra goes to school. We did a Beth Moore "bible study". It was called Loving Well. It was awesome!! I really learned alot.
I have always struggled with really loving people as Christ-like as possible (for me). The whole time I was being tested. The girl that organized the event is one of my "testies" (a person that Beth Moore defines as someone that makes you want to eat alot). She put me at a table where I knew no one. All my friends that were there were sitting at her table. She told me that she hand picked the groups into which we were divided. I thought "how nice. But, focus Stacey. We are here this weekend to learn to love the people that test us." So. needless to say I bit my tongue and submerged myself into GOD's word.
I know this was a study I needed to do. I finally feel that it is okay to feel loved and give love. I didnt say it wouldnt be hard. I tend to put up walls around my heart so I dont get hurt. I learned its okay if it happens. GOD loves me. He loves me when Im not even likable. I cant even say that about my worst enemy. I cant like my enemies let alone love them.
I learned with alot of help I can try. It will take some getting use to. A ton of patience and alot of gum. I have to remember, GOD pours his perfect love into my imperfect heart. Romans 5:5
Posted by Stacey at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
You are so fake.
I hate the fact that my daughter goes to a so called "Christian" pre-school yet a few of the new moms like to make me feel like I'm beneath them. These are women I see around town all the time. Women that I respect and would enjoy their company if they weren't so cliquish. I walk in and get the feeling I'm being looked down upon all the time. I hate it! A part of me wants to think its because we don't go to the same church they do. Another part of me thinks its because Aaron and I don't make as much money and they feel like I am trash. But man, I almost Hate going up there. Nobody is genuine. Their idea of friendly is flashing a fake smile and a nod of the head. I'm not looking for a hand out.
I think that's why I joined MOPS. Some of the women there understand the fact that we all are different and that's OK. GOD loves us all the same. I guess as humans we are not capable of that kind of compassion towards one another.
When I go up to the school, I'm looking at these other women whom are the mothers of Kendra's friends. I can't help but think one day when the kids are older, Kendra and some of them are going to be really good friends. That is if the other kids moms don't get in the way.
If we are suppose to encourage our children to get along and NOT to discriminate, aren't we suppose to set an example? There is so much division there at that school. There use to be a time when I loved dropping her off. There was so much warmth and positive energy. Not any more. Other than the fact that Kendra is actually learning the basics, I cant wait for the day when she is out of there.
Posted by Stacey at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
So Aaron was suppose to be taking a few days off and relaxing. Well thanka to his busy body of a wife, I had a list of honey-dos for him. You can guess what the list had on it.
Posted by Stacey at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
I just watched the most disturbing 20/20 special ever!!! Im mean Im all for giving birth at home but where do you draw the line? Also, when do you stop nursing your child? Im sorry, but when your child is old enough to identify your breasts, (let's say age 8) you need to stop nursing! Plus, I would not want to give birth like 12 times!! ABC talked to a woman that had given birth 11 or 12 times. She was a (forgive the spelling) surragant mother. I understand wanting to help a family out (I and my soon to be ex-sister-in-law where asked to be surragants). But that many times? You are just doing it for the money. I dont know. I was taken back by all the women in the program that were interviewed. Although, oddly enough, Im hoping I will conceive again just to hopefully experience an orgazmic birth. Check it out at ABCNews.com Have a good night!
Posted by Stacey at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Welcome to the year 2009!!
I cant believe it is 2009! It just seems like yesturday that I was in school writting 1998 on all my papers and was wondering what living in the year 2000 would be like. Well the year 2000 has come and gone. Now we are in 2009. In eleven years, Ive been married for five, gave birth to our two beautiful children and we some how managed to buy our first house. How time flies. And sometimes, you dont even have to be having fun. You just have to be living.
This past year proved to be roller coster ride for my family. Kendra turned 4 and thinks she owns the world (we dont have the heart to tell her any different). We celebrated Logan's 1st birthday (which was one that was spent with him throwing up on me and everything around us). Shortly after, my sister ran away from home and dropped out of school. My dad and I fell out of touch. Again. Matthew and Ashley filed for divorce. Phillip and Jennifer are pregnant with baby combo number two. I went back to school and Aaron's sales route was destroyed by Hurricane Dolly.
Overall, I fill more blessed than ever before. I feel GOD has been moving thru me in ways I couldnt imagine until now. He has blessed us with a daughter that makes me want to be a better wife and mother and woman. She encouarges me and gives me strength. She never fails at being "Mommy's" cheerleader. GOD blessed us with Logan when we gave up hope of having any more children. Logan is my little cuddle bug. He always wants to be with me and love on me. He is always there when I need a little pick me up. He is my little man. Then there is my husband Aaron. I cant say enough about this man that rescued my from myself and turned me into the wife and mother I am today. He always believes in me and never lets me settle for less than the best. He loves my faults and my strengths. He loves me when Im as big as a whale carrying his child and when Im running my fat butt off trying to be that hot sexy wife I think he wants when in all honesty, he loves me for me.
Would I like to have more money, weight less, and be more organized? Well yeah! Duh!! But GOD thinks Im better off with what he has already given me. If it is good enough for him, then it is more than good enough for me.
Posted by Stacey at 7:13 PM 0 comments