Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pushing It

I am in a little bit of a funk today. Honestly, I think Im justing have a pitty party. Im entitled to one every now and then. We moved up here almost 3 months ago and Aaron and I are just now starting to feel it. I was very active in my MOPS group back home. Here, Im the new girl. Which is nice in a way but it totally drives home the fact that I am the new girl on the block. Im trying to make new friends but all my efforts seem to be going unnoticed. I understand we just moved here and things dont just happen over night. Im trying to remember that and take it one day at a time.

Aaron and I have always been that couple that does not leave our kids with people we do not know. Now we are finding ourselves in between a rock and a hard place. We NEED to spend some time together just the 2 of us but we dont want to leave the kids with a sitter. One, for fear of how they will handle a new babysitter and two, for the fact we dont know anyone. We would ask Jill and Andrew but I dont think they want to venture in that direction. Jennifer and Matt have 3 kids of their own and adding 2 more to the mix would be insanity for Jennifer.

Plus I dont think it helps that we went from our big house to this little bitty apartment. We feel like we are living on top of each other. I find myself just going places just to be out of the apartment. When I was sick for the week, it was like torture. We were all crammed in like sardines. The TV was on constantly and the kids hated the fact that I couldnt play with them. I miss our backyard and swing set. I long for the day we get our new house. Even though I know that wont be for another couple of months. We are a strong family but sometimes close families can be pushed to the limits.

Please be praying for our sanity and for some much needed romantic time for Aaron and I.