Interesting Tweet
Aaron and I read an interesting tweet. "Mom, why is Jesus in my heart? No idea how to get my 2 yr old to understand when I dont even understand how he could be in MY heart"
Reading that got the wheels in my brain turning. Aaron and I talked about it. What would we tell out own children? We would tell them that Jesus does not lives in their hearts because physically he physically cant. Christ was physically resurrected and is sitting on the right hand of GOD.
When we believe the gospel, we are called to repent (ask for forgiveness), be baptised (being submerged under water representing being buried with him. Then when we rise out of the water symbolizing being raised from the dead (a sinful life) leaving our old sinful life behind to walk in newness of life) and follow him.
We want his words to be written on our hearts. Now, does that mean literally? NO. It means, it is written in our souls our spirits. And our minds. Meaning in everything we do, we are to be thinking of him and acting like him at all times.
I thought this was such an interesting comment. I want to study more on this. I want to know the right thing to say.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Posted by Stacey at 7:54 PM
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