Not much of anything had been happening lately. Looks like Aaron will be staying in Beaumont 3 days out of every week starting next week. Yeah :( Oh well, its what we signed up for right? I dont think it will to hard for me. Considering the time he gets home as it is and the time the kids go to bed. But it is totally going to suck not having anyone to talk to. I guess its going to be a lot of Tru Blood re-runs. That is until Season 2 comes out on ITunes.
We did not nominate Kendra for GT classes like I was hoping. Instead, her teacher and I thought it would be better for Kendra to start out in an Idea Group. That would be like a bridge program into GT classes. Kendra is doing very well in school and is capable but we dont want to push her to hard just to have it back fire on us. Which makes perfect sense. Glad I didnt push for it.
We are still working with Logan on his potty training. NO success yet. Well, at least with him pooping in the potty. I hoping for something to happen soon. I HATE buying diapers! I was reading an article eariler about how to potty train your kid in 3 days. It only cost $50. Now, I dont know if that is a good deal or not but I would gladly pay $50 to not continue wiping a poopy butt. I think I just talked myself into mentioning this to Aaron.
Kendra has started taking ballet lessons once a week for one hour. She is loving it! The instructor says, for not having any experience, she is doing really well. At first I didnt think they would let her preform in the recital but after just a few lessons, it looks like she is going to preform with the rest of her class. Yeah!!! She is a little nervous about getting up in front of a lot of people to preform but I know she will do awesome! Plus, Im sure it will help to have ALL her family there.
Aaron and I have been busting butt to get back into shape. We are watching what we are eating. No restricting calories but NO sugar! NO junk food in the house. Poor kids. NO more ice cream. More fruits and veggies. Less meat. Which I thought Aaron would have a big problem with but come to find out, less meat isnt really bothering him. He plays basketball one night a week on top of his work. Im doing some work out videos at home, but looking for a gym. Most of the gyms around here wont let you bring a child thats not potty trained.
Like I said, not much has been going on.
Friday, January 22, 2010
January update
Posted by Stacey at 11:57 AM
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