Yesturday was a crazy day for me. It started off with me sleeping in and running late to turn in my Psych paper. There was no day care for Logan to go to and Kendra doesnt go to school on Monday anyway. So here I am running around the house like a crazy person, rounding up kids and hearding them out to the car. I take off like a bar out of hell down Hwy 100. You would think it was the 4th of July the way the lights were flashing in my rear view mirror. That's right, I was being pulled over. The State Trooper gets out of the car and asks me why he pulled me over. Hello? I was speeding. He said I was going 75 in a 60!! Opps. But, I didnt get a ticket for that. I got cited for having an expired registration sticker (4 months pass due). Thank you Lord because I would never have been able to live down a speeding ticket.
I get to the school 30 mins after class has started. I run in with Logan on my hip and dragging Kendra behind me. I show him my ticket and beg for mercy. Granted, I print out the paper (because my home printer was out of ink) and turn it in. Yeppee!!!
Taking in a deep breath I load the kids up and head to my mom's place because my brother was down and they wanted to go shopping. We get there and they are both still sleeping at 10 am!! Logan starts to cry uncontrollably and he NEEDS to take a nap. So he and I take off. Before we could get out of the parking lot, he is asleep. So we waited for an hour in the Wells Fargo parking lot so he could sleep. I get a call from my brother stating he is going to the beach and mom is finally ready to go. Now it's 1 pm. We got to Bed Bath and Beyond. Terrible idea. Too many things for little hands to touch. Not only that but they sale huge gum balls in all the colors of the rainbow. Then we leave and head to Marshalls. Another terrible idea. Too many glass wear and breakable items. We leave and head to mom's place.
We get to mom's and Kendra is passed out. Logan is up so I put on Finding Nemo. Somehow, mom and I get into a knock down drag out about baptism. I dont even know how it started. Finally 5 pm rolls around Cole wants to take them to eat dinner. Finally, 6:30 pm Im heading home. Amen
On the way home, I get a call from Ashley Castleberry. I had not talked to her in months. It was soooo nice to hear from her. She went on to tell me that she was moving. We talked about everything. She is applying to school in Cali in Sept and cant wait to go. Im excited for her. I went on to tell her about things that have been going with me. This is why I love her: She tells me that she has always loved me and she understood that we were on two totally different paths and is proud of me. It was so nice to hear that for once. I have lost a dear friend to only have another re-enter my life. It's crazy to think that we have been friends for almost 20 years now. We are heading up to see her in a couple of weeks. I cant wait.
Yesturday was crazy. Ticket. $75. Turned in paper. 30 mins late. Spent time with family. 2 hour wait. Surprise conversation with my oldest best friend. Priceless.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Blessed Day
Posted by Stacey at 8:49 AM
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