I got back from Ft Worth in one physical piece but my heart has been shattered. While I was up there a so called friend of mine drove up from Houston to surprise me. The morning was starting off a little rough. Logan and Kendra didnt sleep well the night before and I was beat. Logan started throwing a fit when I wouldnt pick him up while I was doing my make up. My friend asked me what was wrong. I proceded to update her about him being in day care and me being in school. She stopped and glared at me and said, "How could you put your sinful selfish desires first and sacrifice your children's well being?! Arent these suppose to be the most important years in your children's lives?!" I had no idea what to say. I was completly thrown back. I thought about living right there and then but then I realized we traveled all this way, Im not about to leave now and upset Kendra. It ruined my whole trip!! Considering she doesnt know my situation, She has no idea what we are dealing with. I thought that was extremly rude.
After the kids and I drove back home from Ft Worth (a 10 hr drive) I only had more rude comments made about me. We got back in on Saturday night. We got home about 8 pm and I was in bed by 9pm. The next day was Sunday. We went to church and my mom's house for lunch. I got home and started on my cleaning from the week before. Note to self, ask the husband to clean up after himself while the wife is gone. Come 9pm that night, I get a text from my "so-called" BFF asking me if I was gonna make time for her on this trip. (She was coming down to visit the same week I was out of town. Funny, I told her that. Must have slipped her mind.) I said it was too late for me to go out and plus I had a ton of cleaning and laundry I had to finish. She then went on to say that she came all this way and I couldnt make anytime for her and that she was "done". Whatever that means. I guess she was telling me that she didnt want to be friends anymore. Its funny how single and childless people dont understand what responsibilities are. Yes, I didnt call her as much she would have liked. No, I didnt she her as much as she would have liked when she was down. But the truth is I tried my best. Im sorry that I decided to go back to school and had class every night of the week last semester therefore, missing almost every episode of last season's Grey's Anatomy (which was when we both would watch and call each other during commerical break). She doesnt like it when I call and the kids are screaming in the back ground or when I call her during work. But yet, she cant seem to understand when she called me after she got off work, I was making dinner or bathing kids or putting them down to bed. I cant leave the house after 9pm because Im tired and I dont want to leave Aaron with the kids on a weeknight. Weekends are hard because that is time Im taking away from my family. I guess, Im not such a great friend after all. It sounds like I put my family before everything else. Shocking! Who does that anymore?! Truth be told, I was getting tired of her always making me feel bad about something. Either, my kids were brats or I wasnt spending enough time with her or I wasnt sleeping with MY husband enough.
I was so excited about our trip last week only to end up being judged. I knew it was gonna be a hit and miss thing with the "BFF" while she was down. I guess ignorance really is bliss. They have no idea what I have to do on an everyday basis. My life and body are no longer my own. Im sorry if they dont agree with that but I frankly dont care anymore. I done with trying to make other people happy. My FIRST priority is to my family. All others do come last. If you were a true friend, you would understand that. Funny, how all my other friends get that simple concept.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Ignorance is Bliss: I guess
Posted by Stacey at 1:02 PM
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