Monday, August 23, 2010

My sweet Kendra (1st Grader)

Today is August 23, 2010. It is the first day of 1st grade for Kendra. Walking her to class this morning was a surreal moment for me. I can not believe I have a 1st grader. It really does seem like yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. Walking down the hall reminded me that time passes by in the blink of an eye.

With Logan starting preschool next week, I have been dealing with the question, What am I going to do while they are gone? Someone once told me that we grow the most when we experience change. I completely agree. I dont know what this school year is going to have in store for us. But for some reason I have a very good feeling about all of us growing and changing and thriving in new a amazing ways. Im so excited about this year!